California is full of loons…

So I’m sure that you’ve heard that California has banned plastic straws. If not here’s the skinny on it. If a server gives a straw to a customer that can be fined up to $1000 and up to 6 months in jail. Each straw is a separate offense. So a family of 4 could lead to a $4000 fine and 2 years in jail. This info has been running across the media like crazy.

Now what you may not have heard a large amount about is that California has also changed another law which is if you knowing pass on HIV it’s now just a misdemnor and not a felony. Do you see what’s wrong with this picture? You can get jail time for allowing someone to have a straw but a slap on the hand for knowingly passing a disease that could kill someone.

Also California is trying to make it ok for illegals to vote in upcoming elections. Now explain how someone who is not a citizen of our country should be able to vote on who runs our country?

Doesn’t make sense right?

These are the same people who claim that President Trump is a danger to our country. This are the people who want to run our country.

Please whatever you do , this November go out and vote. We need less of this mess that California has started and more common sense people in office.

God Bless America.

God Bless our President.

Dems want illegals to vote…really?

So it seems some governors are pushing to allow illegal immigrants to have the right to vote. How? They are not citizens of the the United States they have no rights here. Someone please explain to me how this is even possible? The democrats have spent the last year and a half trying to prove that Russia had interfered with our election and now they want to allow non citizens to vote? This makes no since. If you live in a state that is even considering this please call your congressman or governor and express your concern about this issue.