President Trump makes his pick….

Last night around 9 pm ( eastern time ) President Trump selected Brett Kavanaugh for the new justice of the supreme court. One minute later the left lost their minds.

They believe he’s going to takeaway women’s rights, he’s gonna overturn Roe.v. Wade. And that he is the worst possible pick for justice ever.

Truth is no matter who the president had selected the already had their message tapped out on their phones. I mean some were already condemning the pick before the President had even announced it.

You see the left doesn’t want Trump to succeed and will do whatever it takes. I promise if Kavanaugh has ever farted around a child there will be a headline from some MSM outlet saying ” Trumps pick for justice gassed a child.”

Please if you’re reading this call your senators and demand they confirm Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

God Bless America.

God Bless our President.

God Bless Judge Kavanaugh

Supreme Court ruling

Yesterday the United States Supreme Court rule that President Trump has the ability, by law, to ban entry of people from certain countries he deems a threat to our nation.

Here is the list of countries on the ban

1. Venezuela

2. Libya

3. Syria

4. Iran

5. Yemen

6. Somalia

7. North Korea

Now the democrats want you to think this is a Muslim ban, however that is not true . Of the countries listed above make up less than 10 % of the world’s Muslim community. Two of these countries have little or no Muslims. So explain how this is a Muslim ban? It’s not.

The Dems need something to try and outrage the public and call the right uncaring, and they hate Muslims. Again not true. But the left is so desperate to find any and every little thing to be outraged about that they can try and draw your focus away from their failed policies and the IG report.

This ban helps protect America and her citizens.

God Bless America.

God Bless our President.