The transgender experiment

With all that’s been going on in the news lately this story slipped past me. But since this is pride month I figured I should talk about a story I heard about earlier this month.

Should transgender boys, ( meaning boys who are transfering to girls) be able to compete in sports with girls?

First let me say better I answer this, there are only 2 sexes male and female. If you are trans, gay ,or bi that is fine. I personally have no issue with that if that’s the way you live your life. It’s your life and you have every right to live it and love however you chose. With that being said back to the question.

Should transgender boys be able to compete in girl sports?

The simple answer is no.

Now let me explain why.

Children born male are born with testosterone, which makes guys more aggressive and competitive. Transgender boys can take hormone pills to help remove testosterone but it’s on 25% effective . So that means that 75% of tran boys still have testosterone in their bodies.

Most boys are faster and stronger physically than girls of the same age. So how can high school girls that were born as girls compete? They can’t not on an equal playing field. It doesn’t seem fair that a female wrestler or track athlete should have to compete with a person that was born a male.

So how do we fix this system? It’s actually pretty simple. Have a new division. A trans only division of sports. I don’t believe someone who wants to compete shouldn’t because they are trans , so simply create a trans only divison.

Why Dems hate Trump…

After months of America in an upswing ,Democrats and their mindless followers still do not want to give President Trump credit for the great work he has done . No they rather talk about a women he had consensual sex with ten years before he decided to run for office. But let’s look at some of the things he has accomplished.

1. Freeing 3 Americans from N.Korea

2.Having N.Korea and S. Korea in talks of peace

3. Lowest unemployment in years

4. Highest worker participation in years

5.Lowest food stamp recipients in years

6. Made tax cuts that help put money back in workers pockets and allows companies to hire more workers.

You would think that any American would be happy about all of these achievements from our President, but not Democrats and the media. They have done nothing but put down our fearless leader. They hate him because their deceiver in chief ,Obama, wasn’t able to accomplish anything of value to the country.

With that being said , Thank you Mr. President ! Keep up the good work.