Democrats love slavery in any form

Democrats have been in control of slavery for hundreds of years the methods have changed but they have no issues with slavery. Before the Civil War democrats kept their slaves in chains and used force to ensure they were in control.

Now they keep their “slaves”in control by offering them “free” stuff. Whether it’s food ,shelter , or health care they continue to want to keep people relying on the government. They have the main stream media under their thumb to make it seem like they care. The only thing they care about is keeping their houses, cars, and position of power by keep the middle class down.

Why do you think they hate President Trump so badly and oppose everything he has done to improve our economy . Because he is making it so people can fend for themselves and the Democrats are losing their ” slave”. This is also the reason they want to continue to have illegals enter the United States. They have a whole new generation of ” slaves”. They are trying to allow illegals to vote. They need those votes because Americans are walking away from the democratic party and have seen that they are trying to take back the money that the tax break has added to their check.

God Bless America.

God Bless our President.

Big bad Trump hater attacks ….

This is Kino Jimenez. He hates Trump. He hates MAGA. He hates anyone who supports Trump. Now with the push from Sen. Maxine Waters he decided to attack a Trump supporter in a Whataburger in Texas.

Did I mention that the Trump supporter was a 16 year old boy. That’s right the big bad left has struck again by attacking a minor. These psycho left wingers only attack women and children. Have you noticed that they will not go after grown men who support Trump? You want to know why. Because they are cowards trying to intimidate people.

And surprise ,surprise the main stream media is silent. Just this mourning I went to a couple of major news pages, NBC and CBS. I searched for Kino Jimenez. Nothing came up on the search.

The media does not want to a knowledge attacks on Trump supporters from these cowards. This is just another prime example of how bias the news media is and how Maxine Waters hate speech has pushed the nutcases over the threshold to commit more attacks.

So please if you are a Trump supporter watch your back. Be mindful of your surroundings. And stand up for what you believe.

God Bless America

God Bless our President

“Mad” Maxine Waters encourages people to attack people who work for Trump

Old crazy Maxine Waters went on NBC and said that being connected to President Trump is cause enough to be harassed. She has basically encouraged enciting violence and terror on people who work for Trump. Now I’m not a lawyer but that seems to be a cause for concern. It sounds like domestic terrorism.

This past weekend Sarah Sanders went to have dinner at the red hen restaurant in Lexington, VA. The manager told her she needed to leave because she worked for Trump. Now a business has a right to refuse service. And Mrs Sanders handled it like a professional by leaving and not causing a scene .

A month or so ago Tomi Lahren had water thrown on her in a restaurant.

These are suppose to be the “caring ” party.

We can all see that they are a violent and hateful party.

It’s time to take a stand. If you support Donald Trump be careful and stay armed. Watch your back because the dems are out to attack.

God Bless America.

God Bless our President.

Historical day

Last night President Trump made a historical moment when he sat down with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

After weeks of speculation and a cancellation one of the most historical event of modern times finally happened. After meeting and shaking hands the two leaders sat down to discuss the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. This is the first time an American President has ever met with the a leader with North Korea .

This again shows that how our President we now have is doing great things. And you know it’s eating the MSM is sucking lemons this morning. Trump and Kim sign an agreement for the denuclearization of North Korea. This could be a huge step to peace in the region.

God Bless America.

Historical day

Last night President Trump made a historical moment when he sat down with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

After weeks of speculation and a cancellation one of the most historical event of modern times finally happened. After meeting and shaking hands the two leaders sat down to discuss the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. This is the first time an American President has ever met with the a leader with North Korea .

This again shows that how our President we now have is doing great things. And you know it’s eating the MSM is sucking lemons this morning. Trump and Kim sign an agreement for the denuclearization of North Korea. This could be a huge step to peace in the region.

God Bless America.

Just imagine….

As I write this our President is heading to Canada then to Singapore to make better deals and hopefully denuclerize the Korean peninsula. This in it’s self is an amazing feat. In the last 500 days he has done a get deal for our country.

1. Moved the capital of Israel to Jerusluam as promised.

2. Increased enforcement on the southern border and enforced our immigration policies.

3. Cut the federal income tax

4. Got rid of the Obama era mandates on health insurance

5. Brought jobs back to America that our former president said would never come back.

6. We now have more available jobs than we have people unemployed.

The list goes on and on.

But just imagine how much more he could have accomplished had it not been for the MSM, the democrats and anti trumpers in his own party hadn’t been pushing so hard against him. The man is doing an excellent job. Keep it up Mr President. America has your back.

God Bless America