Democrats love slavery in any form

Democrats have been in control of slavery for hundreds of years the methods have changed but they have no issues with slavery. Before the Civil War democrats kept their slaves in chains and used force to ensure they were in control.

Now they keep their “slaves”in control by offering them “free” stuff. Whether it’s food ,shelter , or health care they continue to want to keep people relying on the government. They have the main stream media under their thumb to make it seem like they care. The only thing they care about is keeping their houses, cars, and position of power by keep the middle class down.

Why do you think they hate President Trump so badly and oppose everything he has done to improve our economy . Because he is making it so people can fend for themselves and the Democrats are losing their ” slave”. This is also the reason they want to continue to have illegals enter the United States. They have a whole new generation of ” slaves”. They are trying to allow illegals to vote. They need those votes because Americans are walking away from the democratic party and have seen that they are trying to take back the money that the tax break has added to their check.

God Bless America.

God Bless our President.

California is full of loons…

So I’m sure that you’ve heard that California has banned plastic straws. If not here’s the skinny on it. If a server gives a straw to a customer that can be fined up to $1000 and up to 6 months in jail. Each straw is a separate offense. So a family of 4 could lead to a $4000 fine and 2 years in jail. This info has been running across the media like crazy.

Now what you may not have heard a large amount about is that California has also changed another law which is if you knowing pass on HIV it’s now just a misdemnor and not a felony. Do you see what’s wrong with this picture? You can get jail time for allowing someone to have a straw but a slap on the hand for knowingly passing a disease that could kill someone.

Also California is trying to make it ok for illegals to vote in upcoming elections. Now explain how someone who is not a citizen of our country should be able to vote on who runs our country?

Doesn’t make sense right?

These are the same people who claim that President Trump is a danger to our country. This are the people who want to run our country.

Please whatever you do , this November go out and vote. We need less of this mess that California has started and more common sense people in office.

God Bless America.

God Bless our President.

Michelle Wolfe is the next Chelsea Handler

In case you don’t know who Michelle Wolfe is don’t feel bad, until a couple months ago no one else knew who she was either. She’s a low rate comedian that got her shot at the dinner to bash anyone who works for Donald Trump.

She’s just trying to be the next Chelsea Handler. She’s an anti American, anti Trump, pro choice paid spokesperson on the left. She is pushing her leftist agenda at full throttle for the democrats. As long as Trump is in office she’ll be on the front lines making “jokes” about him and his policies.

This is why we need a huge turnout in November, so people like her and the Hollywood elite will have less influence in politics. It’s time we protect our values as a country.

God Bless America

God Bless our President

Supreme Court ruling

Yesterday the United States Supreme Court rule that President Trump has the ability, by law, to ban entry of people from certain countries he deems a threat to our nation.

Here is the list of countries on the ban

1. Venezuela

2. Libya

3. Syria

4. Iran

5. Yemen

6. Somalia

7. North Korea

Now the democrats want you to think this is a Muslim ban, however that is not true . Of the countries listed above make up less than 10 % of the world’s Muslim community. Two of these countries have little or no Muslims. So explain how this is a Muslim ban? It’s not.

The Dems need something to try and outrage the public and call the right uncaring, and they hate Muslims. Again not true. But the left is so desperate to find any and every little thing to be outraged about that they can try and draw your focus away from their failed policies and the IG report.

This ban helps protect America and her citizens.

God Bless America.

God Bless our President.

Why the Executive Order proves Donald Trump is smarter than the Democrats and me.

This passed week President Trump signed an Executive Order which stopped a 20 year old law that separated illegal immigrants from their children.

Now I admit when I first saw that he had signed the order I felt it was a horrible mistake and that he caved. After hearing some of the details the Democrats got exactly what they wanted , to keep families together. However they will be together while being detained. Now I know the left lost their minds because they thought they had beat the President, but again he was a step ahead.

You see all it would take is for someone or some group to sue saying the President overstepped his power by signing such an order ,because he doesn’t have the authority to make laws just to enforce them. If someone does bring up the point and his executive order gets cancelled ,he has the upper hand. He can then say “well I tired but ( whoever) didn’t want to Keep families together” .

This also hurts the dems cause they wanted to use this issue for the moral compass of people saying that republicans were evil and wanted to split families up. So now they will have to find another made up moral issue to try and run on now.

Trump has this already thought of this I’m sure. And that’s why the President is smarter than the dems…..and me

God Bless America.

God Bless our President.