California is full of loons…

So I’m sure that you’ve heard that California has banned plastic straws. If not here’s the skinny on it. If a server gives a straw to a customer that can be fined up to $1000 and up to 6 months in jail. Each straw is a separate offense. So a family of 4 could lead to a $4000 fine and 2 years in jail. This info has been running across the media like crazy.

Now what you may not have heard a large amount about is that California has also changed another law which is if you knowing pass on HIV it’s now just a misdemnor and not a felony. Do you see what’s wrong with this picture? You can get jail time for allowing someone to have a straw but a slap on the hand for knowingly passing a disease that could kill someone.

Also California is trying to make it ok for illegals to vote in upcoming elections. Now explain how someone who is not a citizen of our country should be able to vote on who runs our country?

Doesn’t make sense right?

These are the same people who claim that President Trump is a danger to our country. This are the people who want to run our country.

Please whatever you do , this November go out and vote. We need less of this mess that California has started and more common sense people in office.

God Bless America.

God Bless our President.

When we all became equal

Yesterday we celebrate the Civil Rights Act that was signed by President Johnson. That was a great day in the history of America. Giving equal rights to all American citizens.

With that being said what have we done since? We have groups and programs that promote African Americans over other races in this country. A new study has been done showing that Harvard University student body should be 44% of Asian Americans however it’s only 15 %. Why is that because of Affirmative Action. We have students going to college not because they worked harder than others but because of the color of their skin. I thought that was what the Civil Right Act was against ,I thought it was about equality.

Everyone wants equality when it benefits you but not when it goes against you. No one , no matter what race , should be held unaccountable for their actions.

What ever happened to working hard for what you have. No matter your race. No one deserves hand outs. We are raising children who can not handle the pressures of adulthood because they see their parents living off the system. We as parents need to instill in our children that working hard is the way you survive.

God Bless America.

God Bless our President.

Supreme Court ruling

Yesterday the United States Supreme Court rule that President Trump has the ability, by law, to ban entry of people from certain countries he deems a threat to our nation.

Here is the list of countries on the ban

1. Venezuela

2. Libya

3. Syria

4. Iran

5. Yemen

6. Somalia

7. North Korea

Now the democrats want you to think this is a Muslim ban, however that is not true . Of the countries listed above make up less than 10 % of the world’s Muslim community. Two of these countries have little or no Muslims. So explain how this is a Muslim ban? It’s not.

The Dems need something to try and outrage the public and call the right uncaring, and they hate Muslims. Again not true. But the left is so desperate to find any and every little thing to be outraged about that they can try and draw your focus away from their failed policies and the IG report.

This ban helps protect America and her citizens.

God Bless America.

God Bless our President.

“Mad” Maxine Waters encourages people to attack people who work for Trump

Old crazy Maxine Waters went on NBC and said that being connected to President Trump is cause enough to be harassed. She has basically encouraged enciting violence and terror on people who work for Trump. Now I’m not a lawyer but that seems to be a cause for concern. It sounds like domestic terrorism.

This past weekend Sarah Sanders went to have dinner at the red hen restaurant in Lexington, VA. The manager told her she needed to leave because she worked for Trump. Now a business has a right to refuse service. And Mrs Sanders handled it like a professional by leaving and not causing a scene .

A month or so ago Tomi Lahren had water thrown on her in a restaurant.

These are suppose to be the “caring ” party.

We can all see that they are a violent and hateful party.

It’s time to take a stand. If you support Donald Trump be careful and stay armed. Watch your back because the dems are out to attack.

God Bless America.

God Bless our President.

Historical day

Last night President Trump made a historical moment when he sat down with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

After weeks of speculation and a cancellation one of the most historical event of modern times finally happened. After meeting and shaking hands the two leaders sat down to discuss the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. This is the first time an American President has ever met with the a leader with North Korea .

This again shows that how our President we now have is doing great things. And you know it’s eating the MSM is sucking lemons this morning. Trump and Kim sign an agreement for the denuclearization of North Korea. This could be a huge step to peace in the region.

God Bless America.

Historical day

Last night President Trump made a historical moment when he sat down with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

After weeks of speculation and a cancellation one of the most historical event of modern times finally happened. After meeting and shaking hands the two leaders sat down to discuss the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. This is the first time an American President has ever met with the a leader with North Korea .

This again shows that how our President we now have is doing great things. And you know it’s eating the MSM is sucking lemons this morning. Trump and Kim sign an agreement for the denuclearization of North Korea. This could be a huge step to peace in the region.

God Bless America.

Other leaders are upset

During the G7 meeting this weekend leaders from other nations are upset with President Trump when he expressed that the U.S. will no longer be allowing them to take advantage of us.

For years we have been in a trade deficit with other countries due to poor negotiations from our leaders , causing our national debt to grow so rapidly . Now we have a President that has come out and said no more.

America is not every other countries parent and we don’t give allowances to these countries. We will see now how many of this countries are truly our “allies ” and how many were just being our friends til the money runs out.

It’s good to have a leader that doesn’t bend over to other countries.

God Bless America!


This is Alfie Evens a 2 year old little boy that right now is fighting for his life. As of 2 days ago the doctors in the U.K. decided to take him off life support. They expected him to die within a couple hours ,but then something amazing happened. Alfie began to breath on his own. He has sinced opened his eyes and recognized his parents. The doctors refused food and water for Alfie. After 6 hours of begging from the parents they finally allowed him to have a small cup of water. Please pray for Alfie and his parents. You see the U.K. has universal health care and the government can decide whether or not a patient lives or dies.

The next time someone says America needs universal health care tell them about Alfie. Have them Google him ,show them this or any article about him. Please keep Alfie in your prayers and hope for a speedy recovery.

Stormy who????

So apparently President Trump had an affair with a porn star and now the left winged media is losing their collective minds. The thing is it happened 12 years before he announced he was running for president. Supposly she was paid by his lawyer to keep it quite but she has come out about to revive her career. What other motivation would she have? And really who cares that he slept with her when she has admitted herself that it was consensual? Who cares? It has nothing to do with him being President. This is just another person riding Trump’ s game to increase their own.

How is she not in jail?

How is it Hillary Clinton not in prison now? She destroyed evidence of a private server with 33000 emails , hijacked the Democratic nomination, stole money that was suppose to go to Haiti. How is it that she is walking around free? Because she has friends in high places that are keeping her safe. She should be standing trail for a minimal of obstruction of justice and tampering with an election. The attorney general need to have her up on at least these charges instead of this false Russia /Trump collusion. We have already seen there was more collusion between Hillary and Russia than with Trump.