California is full of loons…

So I’m sure that you’ve heard that California has banned plastic straws. If not here’s the skinny on it. If a server gives a straw to a customer that can be fined up to $1000 and up to 6 months in jail. Each straw is a separate offense. So a family of 4 could lead to a $4000 fine and 2 years in jail. This info has been running across the media like crazy.

Now what you may not have heard a large amount about is that California has also changed another law which is if you knowing pass on HIV it’s now just a misdemnor and not a felony. Do you see what’s wrong with this picture? You can get jail time for allowing someone to have a straw but a slap on the hand for knowingly passing a disease that could kill someone.

Also California is trying to make it ok for illegals to vote in upcoming elections. Now explain how someone who is not a citizen of our country should be able to vote on who runs our country?

Doesn’t make sense right?

These are the same people who claim that President Trump is a danger to our country. This are the people who want to run our country.

Please whatever you do , this November go out and vote. We need less of this mess that California has started and more common sense people in office.

God Bless America.

God Bless our President.