Big bad Trump hater attacks ….

This is Kino Jimenez. He hates Trump. He hates MAGA. He hates anyone who supports Trump. Now with the push from Sen. Maxine Waters he decided to attack a Trump supporter in a Whataburger in Texas.

Did I mention that the Trump supporter was a 16 year old boy. That’s right the big bad left has struck again by attacking a minor. These psycho left wingers only attack women and children. Have you noticed that they will not go after grown men who support Trump? You want to know why. Because they are cowards trying to intimidate people.

And surprise ,surprise the main stream media is silent. Just this mourning I went to a couple of major news pages, NBC and CBS. I searched for Kino Jimenez. Nothing came up on the search.

The media does not want to a knowledge attacks on Trump supporters from these cowards. This is just another prime example of how bias the news media is and how Maxine Waters hate speech has pushed the nutcases over the threshold to commit more attacks.

So please if you are a Trump supporter watch your back. Be mindful of your surroundings. And stand up for what you believe.

God Bless America

God Bless our President

“Mad” Maxine Waters encourages people to attack people who work for Trump

Old crazy Maxine Waters went on NBC and said that being connected to President Trump is cause enough to be harassed. She has basically encouraged enciting violence and terror on people who work for Trump. Now I’m not a lawyer but that seems to be a cause for concern. It sounds like domestic terrorism.

This past weekend Sarah Sanders went to have dinner at the red hen restaurant in Lexington, VA. The manager told her she needed to leave because she worked for Trump. Now a business has a right to refuse service. And Mrs Sanders handled it like a professional by leaving and not causing a scene .

A month or so ago Tomi Lahren had water thrown on her in a restaurant.

These are suppose to be the “caring ” party.

We can all see that they are a violent and hateful party.

It’s time to take a stand. If you support Donald Trump be careful and stay armed. Watch your back because the dems are out to attack.

God Bless America.

God Bless our President.

Just a reminder…..

This is why Trump wanted a travel ban. Extremist do not care what your religion is , if it’s not theirs then will happily kill you. Now it’s not all Muslims that feel this way but a lot do. Look what’s happening in England and other European countries.Remember this the next time you decide to march.

Why Dems hate Trump…

After months of America in an upswing ,Democrats and their mindless followers still do not want to give President Trump credit for the great work he has done . No they rather talk about a women he had consensual sex with ten years before he decided to run for office. But let’s look at some of the things he has accomplished.

1. Freeing 3 Americans from N.Korea

2.Having N.Korea and S. Korea in talks of peace

3. Lowest unemployment in years

4. Highest worker participation in years

5.Lowest food stamp recipients in years

6. Made tax cuts that help put money back in workers pockets and allows companies to hire more workers.

You would think that any American would be happy about all of these achievements from our President, but not Democrats and the media. They have done nothing but put down our fearless leader. They hate him because their deceiver in chief ,Obama, wasn’t able to accomplish anything of value to the country.

With that being said , Thank you Mr. President ! Keep up the good work.