When we all became equal

Yesterday we celebrate the Civil Rights Act that was signed by President Johnson. That was a great day in the history of America. Giving equal rights to all American citizens.

With that being said what have we done since? We have groups and programs that promote African Americans over other races in this country. A new study has been done showing that Harvard University student body should be 44% of Asian Americans however it’s only 15 %. Why is that because of Affirmative Action. We have students going to college not because they worked harder than others but because of the color of their skin. I thought that was what the Civil Right Act was against ,I thought it was about equality.

Everyone wants equality when it benefits you but not when it goes against you. No one , no matter what race , should be held unaccountable for their actions.

What ever happened to working hard for what you have. No matter your race. No one deserves hand outs. We are raising children who can not handle the pressures of adulthood because they see their parents living off the system. We as parents need to instill in our children that working hard is the way you survive.

God Bless America.

God Bless our President.