On this day …

Francis Scott Key writes the poem that later became the Star Spangled Banner, the anthem for the greatest country in the world. The poem is to inspire all Americans to overcome and through unity we are strong. It tells of the pride of being American.

This song should put a tingle down your spine of pride.

However now it has become controversial because people have no pride in their country or themselves. Millionaires kneel while it plays and forget that they would not be where they are if this country wasn’t what it is. People are caught up in the gang mentality of what they hate about the country rather than thank God that they were born here and not some third world country .

Yes we are a nation of immigrates, but we are also a nation of laws. Sadly , people think that only their opinion matters . We have become a nation of sore losers and ” if I don’t agree with it ,it must be destroyed” . We have long forgotten what this country was founded on. Life,Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. We have left God on the back burner and perhaps he is responding. Parents no longer parent and let their children run the streets doing as they please, then get upset and call racism when they are arrested for breaking the law.

We need to go back and find our pride. Pride in ourselves , pride in our country , and pride in God. Parents need to be parents again and not just the person who pays the bills. Sunday’s need to be the day you wake up early and head to church for worship not just for football. If you get in trouble or arrested or fired don’t look for someone to blame, look in the mirror first.

I love this country and I want my kids to love it too.

God Bless America

God Bless Francis Scott Key.