The IG report

The IG report came out yesterday with alot of hype about what was going to be in it. After reading some of it , I found one thing so far. This report was written to cover the FBI ‘s ass. This report is nothing more than a cover to protect the reputation of the FBI . Comey was their scape goat saying that he and other agents screwed up but it wasn’t due to political bias. How is that even a real comment? You have an agent saying they had “insurance” and “Trump would not win ” . I’m sorry but how is this not political bias?

One other thing that we can get from the IG report is the something we already knew , Obama is a liar. He told the American people he knew nothing of Hillary’s server yet he was marked on emails from her.

So really the IG report may seem to be a bust foe what we thought was going to be in there , but it really proves the FBI will cover up anything to protect their name.

God Bless America