The IG report

The IG report came out yesterday with alot of hype about what was going to be in it. After reading some of it , I found one thing so far. This report was written to cover the FBI ‘s ass. This report is nothing more than a cover to protect the reputation of the FBI . Comey was their scape goat saying that he and other agents screwed up but it wasn’t due to political bias. How is that even a real comment? You have an agent saying they had “insurance” and “Trump would not win ” . I’m sorry but how is this not political bias?

One other thing that we can get from the IG report is the something we already knew , Obama is a liar. He told the American people he knew nothing of Hillary’s server yet he was marked on emails from her.

So really the IG report may seem to be a bust foe what we thought was going to be in there , but it really proves the FBI will cover up anything to protect their name.

God Bless America

Electoral College verses Popular Vote


Since the election a lot of snowflakes have complained about how Hillary won the popular vote and actually beat Trump. Trump won by Electoral votes and his supporters feel that its the way its always been.

Well I have the solution that both sides should be happy with. Why is one state more important than another? Lets make all states have a single vote for president and the person with the popular vote in that state wins that vote. That way California is worth the same as Delaware . Every state then becomes a battle ground state.

Leave me a comment and tell me what you think.

DACA Deadline passes with no deal….

Well, the daca deadline is here and no deal has been made. Now daca recepicates should be offically illegal immigrants. But because of some lower court has decided that President Trump’s executive order is umlawful don’t expect ICE to be picking any one of them up any time soon. That’s right a court has decide that the President does not have the power to make such decisions. Where was this court when Obama ,who admitted he didn’t have the power to do so on his on, signed the DACA order in the first place? This is just another attempt to make the President seem like he has no power by the Democrats. These people are whats wrong with this country. They can’t get their way so they do whatever they have to do to hurt the President. Come November please remember that and get as many out of office as we can.

Hillary hints at another run for President in 2020

OK, seriously ? Did the beating she took in 2016 not enough? i mean has so found a way to try and cheat her way into the White House? Do the Democrats think she can beat Trump after all the corruption from the Clinton camp was exposed after the last election? I know that they are not the brightest bunch but , seriously ? I hope she runs and rigs the DNC so she gets the nom and Trump stomps her butt again. Please run Hillary so we can expose more corruption from your Clinton Foundation. hillary-clinton-laughing