Democrats love slavery in any form

Democrats have been in control of slavery for hundreds of years the methods have changed but they have no issues with slavery. Before the Civil War democrats kept their slaves in chains and used force to ensure they were in control.

Now they keep their “slaves”in control by offering them “free” stuff. Whether it’s food ,shelter , or health care they continue to want to keep people relying on the government. They have the main stream media under their thumb to make it seem like they care. The only thing they care about is keeping their houses, cars, and position of power by keep the middle class down.

Why do you think they hate President Trump so badly and oppose everything he has done to improve our economy . Because he is making it so people can fend for themselves and the Democrats are losing their ” slave”. This is also the reason they want to continue to have illegals enter the United States. They have a whole new generation of ” slaves”. They are trying to allow illegals to vote. They need those votes because Americans are walking away from the democratic party and have seen that they are trying to take back the money that the tax break has added to their check.

God Bless America.

God Bless our President.

“We don’t wanna take your guns….”

gunSo that’s what the Democrats say,but we all know the truth.

They will try and take away the “scary ” AR-15’s and others like it. How long before they come for all the rest of America’s guns? As soon as some kid carries a couple hand guns to school a kills some of their peers then they’ll be saying that owning a gun isn’t a right and attempt to take those also. Truth is , the democrats want to take away your rights so they can control you. Think about it, look at democrat control cities, most are run down , no 9mmeconomy, and high crime rates. Why you may ask? Because it’s a easier way to control people. Keep the the poor poor and they will need the government. If the Democrats win this fight and take away our 2nd amendment ,they will come for the rest of your rights next.