Big bad Trump hater attacks ….

This is Kino Jimenez. He hates Trump. He hates MAGA. He hates anyone who supports Trump. Now with the push from Sen. Maxine Waters he decided to attack a Trump supporter in a Whataburger in Texas.

Did I mention that the Trump supporter was a 16 year old boy. That’s right the big bad left has struck again by attacking a minor. These psycho left wingers only attack women and children. Have you noticed that they will not go after grown men who support Trump? You want to know why. Because they are cowards trying to intimidate people.

And surprise ,surprise the main stream media is silent. Just this mourning I went to a couple of major news pages, NBC and CBS. I searched for Kino Jimenez. Nothing came up on the search.

The media does not want to a knowledge attacks on Trump supporters from these cowards. This is just another prime example of how bias the news media is and how Maxine Waters hate speech has pushed the nutcases over the threshold to commit more attacks.

So please if you are a Trump supporter watch your back. Be mindful of your surroundings. And stand up for what you believe.

God Bless America

God Bless our President

The new face of the Left


This is the new face of the leftist media,David Hogg. Don’t be fooled this kid knows exactly what he is doing. He has been on ever left winged news channel out there. He is branding himself to make sure he gets in a job and making sure everyone knows his face. Why is he the one main one showing up in interviews? Cause his father was an FBI agent or maybe the fact his mother works for CNN. This kid is pushing the leftest agenda and needs to be kept off T.V.

And Trump’s the racist???


Over the weekend Maxine Waters decide to attend a speech by known racist Louis Farrakhan who she seems to have a bond with. Where is media reporting on this? Had this been a white Republican attending a hate mongers speech the media would be breaking down their door and screaming for them to step down. So why is she any different. This woman needs to be taken out of office.