When we all became equal

Yesterday we celebrate the Civil Rights Act that was signed by President Johnson. That was a great day in the history of America. Giving equal rights to all American citizens.

With that being said what have we done since? We have groups and programs that promote African Americans over other races in this country. A new study has been done showing that Harvard University student body should be 44% of Asian Americans however it’s only 15 %. Why is that because of Affirmative Action. We have students going to college not because they worked harder than others but because of the color of their skin. I thought that was what the Civil Right Act was against ,I thought it was about equality.

Everyone wants equality when it benefits you but not when it goes against you. No one , no matter what race , should be held unaccountable for their actions.

What ever happened to working hard for what you have. No matter your race. No one deserves hand outs. We are raising children who can not handle the pressures of adulthood because they see their parents living off the system. We as parents need to instill in our children that working hard is the way you survive.

God Bless America.

God Bless our President.

Why the Executive Order proves Donald Trump is smarter than the Democrats and me.

This passed week President Trump signed an Executive Order which stopped a 20 year old law that separated illegal immigrants from their children.

Now I admit when I first saw that he had signed the order I felt it was a horrible mistake and that he caved. After hearing some of the details the Democrats got exactly what they wanted , to keep families together. However they will be together while being detained. Now I know the left lost their minds because they thought they had beat the President, but again he was a step ahead.

You see all it would take is for someone or some group to sue saying the President overstepped his power by signing such an order ,because he doesn’t have the authority to make laws just to enforce them. If someone does bring up the point and his executive order gets cancelled ,he has the upper hand. He can then say “well I tired but ( whoever) didn’t want to Keep families together” .

This also hurts the dems cause they wanted to use this issue for the moral compass of people saying that republicans were evil and wanted to split families up. So now they will have to find another made up moral issue to try and run on now.

Trump has this already thought of this I’m sure. And that’s why the President is smarter than the dems…..and me

God Bless America.

God Bless our President.

A little history lesson on illegal immigration

In 1620 the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth rock seeking refuge from religious percussion. The native found these Europeans and feed them and taught them to survive. As time went on more and more Europeans began coming and it got to the point that the natives were no longer needed. The Europeans wanted more and more land and resources and evidently invaded the land,killing ,raping, and stealing . Destroying more and more tribes as they expanded.

Now I don’t tell you this because I’m against immigration but because we are about to repeat this history. When thousands apon thousands of illegal immigrates cross our borders each year they are taking our resources for Americans. They are not migrating here and just seeking asylum. They are invading! But instead of superior weapons they have better weapons. They are using children and our own politicians against the country to try and get in.

What can we do about It? Simple build a big beautiful wall. And since the President signed an Executive Order to allow families to stay together simple deport them back to their country of origin. We as Americans do not have a problem with people wanting to come to our country, we have a problem with people who are willing to break the law at the first chance they get. So come to America but come legally.

God Bless America.

Oakland mayor Libby Schaaf warns illegals…

The Oakland mayor attempts to save illegals for ICE agents by letting them know that a raid was coming. Someone tell me how this woman is not behind bars on obstruction of justice? She is nothing more than a lookout for a gang can illegal immigrants. Please someone have her arrested and placed in jail. She needs to be removed from office. You see this is teaching our children it’s okay to break the law and nothing will happen to you.

Save the children….


The Democrats, media, and even the kids from Stoneman Douglas will tell you that banning guns is all about saving the children , but is it really? This year so far the number of gun deaths involving children in the US is at 491 according to http://www.gunviolencearchive.org/ . Which is more than it should be , but seems like a small number compared to the number of unborn children that have been murdered by Planned Parenthood. So far over 50,000 children have lost the opportunity to live from being slaughtered because of reasons that range from not being ready  to raise a child (which if you are ready to have sex you need to be ready to raise a child) to done having children. The democrats will not mention any of this because they don’t really care about the children , they are trying to take away your rights. If they truly cared they would be attempting to defund planned parenthood and protect the ones who can not protect themselves. The won’t because it doesn’t fit their objective to restrict your freedoms.

To be armed or not to be…..


So everyone has heard the debate over arming teachers with firearms to protect our children. Well, we have tried gun free zones and we see how well they work. They don’t. Gun free zone to a potential shooter is like a buffet to a starving man, it’s all you can eat. Training and arming teachers or hiring retired military or police officers to protect our children. Had one teacher been armed at Stoneman Douglas how many lives would it have saved? Perhaps if the sign on the right had been posted the shooter would not have even entered the building. We will never know the answer to this question, but we can all learn from this tragedy , that gun free zones are not the answer.

If you think I’m wrong then let’s look at it this way…. you are in a room with 2 exits on path is clear and easy and is a straight shot out, the other is guard by snakes . which path are you going to take?

So let me get this straight….

I’m sitting here listening to a bunch of liberals telling us that we should ban guns to protect our kids from school shooting. These are the same people who believe in killing thousands of babies each year because the mom doesn’t want to deal with the conquincidences of their weekend a month earlier. They are attacking the NRA and gun owners. Why you may ask. Because it fits their agenda. If they truly care about life they would stop the killings of innocent babies. The left and the media are trying to make it seem that the problem is guns, but the true problem starts at home with the parents. We as a society have softened our kids to be a bunch of cry baby wusses that need safe spaces because someone said something that offended them. Boo hoo. It’s time to teach our kids to suck it up and deal with things not always going your way. And we need to teach them respect for others. Until that happens we are gonna have tragedies like the one in Florida. So parents get off your phones and your lazy asses and spend time with your kids. And Liberals stop your fake attacks on America. You want to protect the children get rid of the government funded slaughterhouse called planned parenthood.

A lot has happened….

After has happened the past couple days since I have been offline. I have a few things i want to cover so this will be the first of a few post for the night,. First and foremost I would like to send my thoughts and prayers to all the families in Florida. No one should have to feel the pain you are.

So let’s go ahead and talk about the elephant in the room. It seemed like moments after the report of the shooting the liberals began the gun control argument. They couldn’t even wait for the victim’s families to be notified before the same old discussion started back up “Ban guns..” “tougher gun laws” and the like. Well, I agree with some of the tougher gun laws ,but unfortunately  tougher gun laws wouldn’t have stop this shooter.What people forget is if someone wants to harm people they will find a way. Taking away guns from law a bidding citizens will not stop criminals from buying guns on the black market. Remember drugs are illegal and people still get them.

Let’s look for a better solution like maybe if the parents had spent more time with them maybe ,just maybe things like yesterday wouldn’t have happened. Another great idea would be take retired military and have them guard our children. I know what you’re thinking ” more guns really?” . Yes, think about it. How many police stations or military bases have outsider walk in and begin shooting? I can’t think of any. You know why? Because shooters don’t like to be shot at. I would not object to a trained professional to be guarding my children ,would you?