On this day …

Francis Scott Key writes the poem that later became the Star Spangled Banner, the anthem for the greatest country in the world. The poem is to inspire all Americans to overcome and through unity we are strong. It tells of the pride of being American.

This song should put a tingle down your spine of pride.

However now it has become controversial because people have no pride in their country or themselves. Millionaires kneel while it plays and forget that they would not be where they are if this country wasn’t what it is. People are caught up in the gang mentality of what they hate about the country rather than thank God that they were born here and not some third world country .

Yes we are a nation of immigrates, but we are also a nation of laws. Sadly , people think that only their opinion matters . We have become a nation of sore losers and ” if I don’t agree with it ,it must be destroyed” . We have long forgotten what this country was founded on. Life,Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. We have left God on the back burner and perhaps he is responding. Parents no longer parent and let their children run the streets doing as they please, then get upset and call racism when they are arrested for breaking the law.

We need to go back and find our pride. Pride in ourselves , pride in our country , and pride in God. Parents need to be parents again and not just the person who pays the bills. Sunday’s need to be the day you wake up early and head to church for worship not just for football. If you get in trouble or arrested or fired don’t look for someone to blame, look in the mirror first.

I love this country and I want my kids to love it too.

God Bless America

God Bless Francis Scott Key.

Remembering 9/11

Today we remember those who lost their lives in an attack on America. Please remember the people who did not make it out of the towers, the brave men and women who ran into the building to help save people,the brave men and women who stood up to the terrorist on flight 93 , and the people killed at the Pentagon.

During this time and for a time after we were not black or white. We didn’t protest against each other. We stood side by side as Americans. We were patriotic. Somewhere between then and now we have lost that.

Today hold your family tight. Speak to your neighbor. Talk to a stranger. We are not promised a certain time on this earth. You may not have a chance tomorrow.

God Bless those who died.

God Bless America.

California is full of loons…

So I’m sure that you’ve heard that California has banned plastic straws. If not here’s the skinny on it. If a server gives a straw to a customer that can be fined up to $1000 and up to 6 months in jail. Each straw is a separate offense. So a family of 4 could lead to a $4000 fine and 2 years in jail. This info has been running across the media like crazy.

Now what you may not have heard a large amount about is that California has also changed another law which is if you knowing pass on HIV it’s now just a misdemnor and not a felony. Do you see what’s wrong with this picture? You can get jail time for allowing someone to have a straw but a slap on the hand for knowingly passing a disease that could kill someone.

Also California is trying to make it ok for illegals to vote in upcoming elections. Now explain how someone who is not a citizen of our country should be able to vote on who runs our country?

Doesn’t make sense right?

These are the same people who claim that President Trump is a danger to our country. This are the people who want to run our country.

Please whatever you do , this November go out and vote. We need less of this mess that California has started and more common sense people in office.

God Bless America.

God Bless our President.

A little history lesson on illegal immigration

In 1620 the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth rock seeking refuge from religious percussion. The native found these Europeans and feed them and taught them to survive. As time went on more and more Europeans began coming and it got to the point that the natives were no longer needed. The Europeans wanted more and more land and resources and evidently invaded the land,killing ,raping, and stealing . Destroying more and more tribes as they expanded.

Now I don’t tell you this because I’m against immigration but because we are about to repeat this history. When thousands apon thousands of illegal immigrates cross our borders each year they are taking our resources for Americans. They are not migrating here and just seeking asylum. They are invading! But instead of superior weapons they have better weapons. They are using children and our own politicians against the country to try and get in.

What can we do about It? Simple build a big beautiful wall. And since the President signed an Executive Order to allow families to stay together simple deport them back to their country of origin. We as Americans do not have a problem with people wanting to come to our country, we have a problem with people who are willing to break the law at the first chance they get. So come to America but come legally.

God Bless America.

Other leaders are upset

During the G7 meeting this weekend leaders from other nations are upset with President Trump when he expressed that the U.S. will no longer be allowing them to take advantage of us.

For years we have been in a trade deficit with other countries due to poor negotiations from our leaders , causing our national debt to grow so rapidly . Now we have a President that has come out and said no more.

America is not every other countries parent and we don’t give allowances to these countries. We will see now how many of this countries are truly our “allies ” and how many were just being our friends til the money runs out.

It’s good to have a leader that doesn’t bend over to other countries.

God Bless America!

National Action Network protest the NFL decision to make players respect America

So Al Sharpton’s National Action Network is protesting the new NFL rule that requires players to respect the American Flag and National Anthem.

Al Sharpton is a man that has built his career on racism and now has followers who believe that they are owed something for actions that happened 150 years ago.

They feel that the NFL is not being fair and taking away rights from players by not allowing them to protest the country that has given them the opportunity to make millions for playing a sport.

First off the NFL is a business and each team is like a satellite company under the umbrella of the NFL. Which means that they have to follow the rules of the NFL. If they chose not to the NFL has a right to fine or suspend or even take away draft picks from the teams.

If the players feel like they are being treated unfair they are more then welcome to leave the NFL and go out into the real world and get a job. It’s time we stop allowing people who can throw a ball control how the league is run.

And people and groups need to stay out of the NFL’s business dealings.