Big bad Trump hater attacks ….

This is Kino Jimenez. He hates Trump. He hates MAGA. He hates anyone who supports Trump. Now with the push from Sen. Maxine Waters he decided to attack a Trump supporter in a Whataburger in Texas.

Did I mention that the Trump supporter was a 16 year old boy. That’s right the big bad left has struck again by attacking a minor. These psycho left wingers only attack women and children. Have you noticed that they will not go after grown men who support Trump? You want to know why. Because they are cowards trying to intimidate people.

And surprise ,surprise the main stream media is silent. Just this mourning I went to a couple of major news pages, NBC and CBS. I searched for Kino Jimenez. Nothing came up on the search.

The media does not want to a knowledge attacks on Trump supporters from these cowards. This is just another prime example of how bias the news media is and how Maxine Waters hate speech has pushed the nutcases over the threshold to commit more attacks.

So please if you are a Trump supporter watch your back. Be mindful of your surroundings. And stand up for what you believe.

God Bless America

God Bless our President

Roseanne tweets…

So yesterday Roseanne Barr made a tweet that set the left wingers off. However she never actually call Jarret an ape it was seen that way. Now I don’t agree with the tweet and I understand why ABC cancelled it ,however of you are gonna to supposly have standards it should apply across the board. Why is it people like Joy Behar can insult a whole religion and not be fired. Or Whoopie comparing the president to the Taliban and wearing a shirt depicting him shooting himself and still have a job? How about Jimmy Kimble who has went black face in the past and has a segment where he sticks items in his pants and has women touch his crotch area to guess the item? How about Keith Oberman going on a cussing rampage toward the president.

Are these ok with your values and standards? If so, a small tweet from a comedian shouldn’t have gotten a show cancelled.

ABC obviously has a bias against any any conservative based show. They were quick to remove Roseanne and they dropped Tim Allen’s show “Last Man Standing” without a good reason.