Hillary hints at another run for President in 2020

OK, seriously ? Did the beating she took in 2016 not enough? i mean has so found a way to try and cheat her way into the White House? Do the Democrats think she can beat Trump after all the corruption from the Clinton camp was exposed after the last election? I know that they are not the brightest bunch but , seriously ? I hope she runs and rigs the DNC so she gets the nom and Trump stomps her butt again. Please run Hillary so we can expose more corruption from your Clinton Foundation. hillary-clinton-laughing

President Trump halts Dems memo from being released

President Trump declares tonight that he will not allow the memo that the Democrats want to use as a counter to the Nunes memo. He said that he could not declassify the memo until some more sensitive material is removed.

As soon as this was released the left has already started attacking our President.

Nancy Pelosi tweeted

“This move by confirms what we have all known for weeks — that his decision to release the was a blatantly political move made without concern for national security. The hypocrisy is on full display. What does the President have to hide?”

Well, I’m sure that the Left and media will continue to attempt to attack Trump with the same type of hate they always do and twist his words. Just remember that the media is owned by the left and will do anything they think that will hurt the image of Trump. Keep your eyes open and watch the media attack. trump

Dreamers threaten to leave America if there is no DACA deal

So I see that there are protest by some so called dreamers that if there isn’t a DACA deal signed so that they are gonna leave the U.S. Ok so where’s the problem here? I mean if there isn’t a DACA deal done they will be leaving anyway they would be just saving the government money on finding and deporting them. Hell, if we are lucky maybe they will carry Nancy Pelosi and her grandson with them. What are they expecting to accomplish with this useless protest?

How is she not in jail?

How is it Hillary Clinton not in prison now? She destroyed evidence of a private server with 33000 emails , hijacked the Democratic nomination, stole money that was suppose to go to Haiti. How is it that she is walking around free? Because she has friends in high places that are keeping her safe. She should be standing trail for a minimal of obstruction of justice and tampering with an election. The attorney general need to have her up on at least these charges instead of this false Russia /Trump collusion. We have already seen there was more collusion between Hillary and Russia than with Trump.