Supreme Court ruling

Yesterday the United States Supreme Court rule that President Trump has the ability, by law, to ban entry of people from certain countries he deems a threat to our nation.

Here is the list of countries on the ban

1. Venezuela

2. Libya

3. Syria

4. Iran

5. Yemen

6. Somalia

7. North Korea

Now the democrats want you to think this is a Muslim ban, however that is not true . Of the countries listed above make up less than 10 % of the world’s Muslim community. Two of these countries have little or no Muslims. So explain how this is a Muslim ban? It’s not.

The Dems need something to try and outrage the public and call the right uncaring, and they hate Muslims. Again not true. But the left is so desperate to find any and every little thing to be outraged about that they can try and draw your focus away from their failed policies and the IG report.

This ban helps protect America and her citizens.

God Bless America.

God Bless our President.

The transgender experiment

With all that’s been going on in the news lately this story slipped past me. But since this is pride month I figured I should talk about a story I heard about earlier this month.

Should transgender boys, ( meaning boys who are transfering to girls) be able to compete in sports with girls?

First let me say better I answer this, there are only 2 sexes male and female. If you are trans, gay ,or bi that is fine. I personally have no issue with that if that’s the way you live your life. It’s your life and you have every right to live it and love however you chose. With that being said back to the question.

Should transgender boys be able to compete in girl sports?

The simple answer is no.

Now let me explain why.

Children born male are born with testosterone, which makes guys more aggressive and competitive. Transgender boys can take hormone pills to help remove testosterone but it’s on 25% effective . So that means that 75% of tran boys still have testosterone in their bodies.

Most boys are faster and stronger physically than girls of the same age. So how can high school girls that were born as girls compete? They can’t not on an equal playing field. It doesn’t seem fair that a female wrestler or track athlete should have to compete with a person that was born a male.

So how do we fix this system? It’s actually pretty simple. Have a new division. A trans only division of sports. I don’t believe someone who wants to compete shouldn’t because they are trans , so simply create a trans only divison.

“Mad” Maxine Waters encourages people to attack people who work for Trump

Old crazy Maxine Waters went on NBC and said that being connected to President Trump is cause enough to be harassed. She has basically encouraged enciting violence and terror on people who work for Trump. Now I’m not a lawyer but that seems to be a cause for concern. It sounds like domestic terrorism.

This past weekend Sarah Sanders went to have dinner at the red hen restaurant in Lexington, VA. The manager told her she needed to leave because she worked for Trump. Now a business has a right to refuse service. And Mrs Sanders handled it like a professional by leaving and not causing a scene .

A month or so ago Tomi Lahren had water thrown on her in a restaurant.

These are suppose to be the “caring ” party.

We can all see that they are a violent and hateful party.

It’s time to take a stand. If you support Donald Trump be careful and stay armed. Watch your back because the dems are out to attack.

God Bless America.

God Bless our President.

Why the Executive Order proves Donald Trump is smarter than the Democrats and me.

This passed week President Trump signed an Executive Order which stopped a 20 year old law that separated illegal immigrants from their children.

Now I admit when I first saw that he had signed the order I felt it was a horrible mistake and that he caved. After hearing some of the details the Democrats got exactly what they wanted , to keep families together. However they will be together while being detained. Now I know the left lost their minds because they thought they had beat the President, but again he was a step ahead.

You see all it would take is for someone or some group to sue saying the President overstepped his power by signing such an order ,because he doesn’t have the authority to make laws just to enforce them. If someone does bring up the point and his executive order gets cancelled ,he has the upper hand. He can then say “well I tired but ( whoever) didn’t want to Keep families together” .

This also hurts the dems cause they wanted to use this issue for the moral compass of people saying that republicans were evil and wanted to split families up. So now they will have to find another made up moral issue to try and run on now.

Trump has this already thought of this I’m sure. And that’s why the President is smarter than the dems…..and me

God Bless America.

God Bless our President.

A little history lesson on illegal immigration

In 1620 the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth rock seeking refuge from religious percussion. The native found these Europeans and feed them and taught them to survive. As time went on more and more Europeans began coming and it got to the point that the natives were no longer needed. The Europeans wanted more and more land and resources and evidently invaded the land,killing ,raping, and stealing . Destroying more and more tribes as they expanded.

Now I don’t tell you this because I’m against immigration but because we are about to repeat this history. When thousands apon thousands of illegal immigrates cross our borders each year they are taking our resources for Americans. They are not migrating here and just seeking asylum. They are invading! But instead of superior weapons they have better weapons. They are using children and our own politicians against the country to try and get in.

What can we do about It? Simple build a big beautiful wall. And since the President signed an Executive Order to allow families to stay together simple deport them back to their country of origin. We as Americans do not have a problem with people wanting to come to our country, we have a problem with people who are willing to break the law at the first chance they get. So come to America but come legally.

God Bless America.

The South American refugees were already safe . Dems are using them for Midterms.

Everyone on the left is bashing the Trump administration for the immigration policy that is being enforce on South American”refugees”.

Here’s the thing once they crossed into the border Mexico they were no longer in distress by whatever they were running from. So why are they sneaking into America? Because the democrates are basically inviting them in with not enforcing the border laws. We now have a President that is enforcing the law and people on the left are losing their minds. No one had an issue when Bill Clinton signed the bill in 1996.

Democrats are trying to use this issue for the midterm elections because if this was really an issue it would have been an issue for the last 20 years, but it wasn’t. It’s only an issue now because they think it’s hurting Trump and the GOP.

This parents have drug their kids thousands of miles for no real reason except for the fact that dems will offer them free medical care, free food and free housing . All the while we have thousands of vets living on the streets.

Let’s protect our vets before illegals.

God Bless America . And God bless our President.

The IG report

The IG report came out yesterday with alot of hype about what was going to be in it. After reading some of it , I found one thing so far. This report was written to cover the FBI ‘s ass. This report is nothing more than a cover to protect the reputation of the FBI . Comey was their scape goat saying that he and other agents screwed up but it wasn’t due to political bias. How is that even a real comment? You have an agent saying they had “insurance” and “Trump would not win ” . I’m sorry but how is this not political bias?

One other thing that we can get from the IG report is the something we already knew , Obama is a liar. He told the American people he knew nothing of Hillary’s server yet he was marked on emails from her.

So really the IG report may seem to be a bust foe what we thought was going to be in there , but it really proves the FBI will cover up anything to protect their name.

God Bless America

Historical day

Last night President Trump made a historical moment when he sat down with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

After weeks of speculation and a cancellation one of the most historical event of modern times finally happened. After meeting and shaking hands the two leaders sat down to discuss the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. This is the first time an American President has ever met with the a leader with North Korea .

This again shows that how our President we now have is doing great things. And you know it’s eating the MSM is sucking lemons this morning. Trump and Kim sign an agreement for the denuclearization of North Korea. This could be a huge step to peace in the region.

God Bless America.

Historical day

Last night President Trump made a historical moment when he sat down with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

After weeks of speculation and a cancellation one of the most historical event of modern times finally happened. After meeting and shaking hands the two leaders sat down to discuss the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. This is the first time an American President has ever met with the a leader with North Korea .

This again shows that how our President we now have is doing great things. And you know it’s eating the MSM is sucking lemons this morning. Trump and Kim sign an agreement for the denuclearization of North Korea. This could be a huge step to peace in the region.

God Bless America.

Other leaders are upset

During the G7 meeting this weekend leaders from other nations are upset with President Trump when he expressed that the U.S. will no longer be allowing them to take advantage of us.

For years we have been in a trade deficit with other countries due to poor negotiations from our leaders , causing our national debt to grow so rapidly . Now we have a President that has come out and said no more.

America is not every other countries parent and we don’t give allowances to these countries. We will see now how many of this countries are truly our “allies ” and how many were just being our friends til the money runs out.

It’s good to have a leader that doesn’t bend over to other countries.

God Bless America!